Establishing a Project Management (PMO), especially where none exists, can be a daunting undertaking. Many experienced project managers, directors and consultants have attempted this endeavor only to realize that the task is significantly more resourse intensive than expected. While you may be a seasoned, successful and experienced Project Manager, that does not equate into being able to design and create a PMO. A similar analogy is that a good general contractor does not necessarily make a good architect. If your job is to define and standardize project processes while striving to introduce the economics of repetition and consistency then Ascendive is the tool that enables you do this.
Whether your PMO is culturally mentor or governor, Ascendive provides the repository for all the content and processes defined by the PMO. It’s up to you to offer suggestions or require compliance to the PMO standards. Ascendive is the enabler, monitor and reporter of employee behavior in relation to the PMO content and processes.
Most project collaboration tools focus on three or four areas, like issues, tasks, budgets and message boards. Ascendive has over 45 discrete modules for actual work execution like business process mapping, development (Agile or Waterfall), testing, cut-over tasks, etc. as well as governance functionality like workflows to gain content approval, change management functionality for Organization Change Management, and comprehensive configuration options to model processes real-time on projects.
Ascendive also provides consistency of deliverables far beyond templates, like automatically renaming content using your approved project naming conventions, apply “next numbers” to content to ensure content uniqueness, traceability so that all down-stream content can be traced back upstream, like a test script to source code to the business requirement to the business process to the SOW.
Point In Time reporting allows you to not only see the status right now, but also at any time in the past and then do a comparison using multiple graphic representations.