Ascendive helps you organize, automate and manage the complex undertaking of both unit and system testing.
• Create base tests, validate them and then use them as the foundation to create complex and varied test scenarios to model your business processes.
• Automatically create Incidents when a Test Script fails and Ascendive will assign that Incident to the best person to triage it.
• When a Test Script is passed Ascendive automatically notifies the tester of the next script to start their test, either through e-mail of a text message.
• When Incidents are resolved, Ascendive automatically notifies the Tester to retest the Test Script.
Test Scripts
What is it: Identify Tests that need to be executed, either from the Process Diagram tool or otherwise. Assign Test Script author, tester and triage expert. In CCP you can track real-time the progress of end user testing. No more updating spreadsheets at the end of the day. This allows for testers to be in multiple locations instead of all having to be in the same conference room. Why do I need it: Provides online real-time status of Test Scripts, even when testers are in numerous locations. No more Excel nightmare to analyze Test Script status. |
Test Script Steps and Instructions
What is it: Steps are individual actions to execute a Test Script. If you decide to document these steps you will typically do that in Word or Excel, both of which are just additional documents floating around. In CCP you can identify an unlimited number of steps per Test Script, define valid test data, note if the step passed or failed, and log an Incident at the Test Script Step level, all without the need for an Excel spreadsheet. Why do I need it: Can be used out-of-the-box to start building more complex and data specific tests. Saves hundreds of hours. |
Test Script Incidents
What is it: When a users fails a Test Script CPP will automatically log an Incident with all the required information for triage. CCP even determines the most appropriate project participant to assign the Incident to. From there team members can resolve the Incident and when done, the Test Script status is automatically updated to let the Tester to retest the Test Script. Why do I need it: Significantly reduces the time to create Incidents. Monitor and manage Incidents in real time, even when your testers are in numerous different locations. Reduces thousands of back and forth e-mails that were used to communicate Incidents and status of Test Scripts. |
Scenario Testing
What is it: Arrange Test Scripts into a sequence to create an entire Business Process Scenario. For example, Order to Cash. As one Test is completed, the tester of the next Test is automatically notified to start their Test. If a Test fails then an Incident is automatically logged and the Scenario stops until the Incident is resolved. When the Incident is resolved the tester of the failed Script is automatically notified to retest and then, if the Test is approved, the Scenario continues. Why do I need it: Provides ultimate flexibility for executing the testing of complex business case scenarios. |
Team Training
What is it: Create both Core Team and End User training content in CCP, schedule classes, conduct exercises, take tests and issue and record certifications as well as provide surveys to solict feed-back on effectiveness. Why do I need it: Enables existing content in CCP to be easily leveraged for training purposes. Ensure that client employees are trained and certified for certain procedures and processes and stay in compliance of any standards required. |
Cut Over
What is it: As you discover tasks that need to be executed during cut-over, enter them into CCP. You can then sequence, assign, time, and manage the individual tasks with detailed instructions and attachments. Why do I need it: Remove the complexity associated with hundreds of interleaving tasks done by dozens of people on cut-over weekend. You can even export to MS Project Plan to determine the critical path. |